You're Beautiful

You are beautiful inside and most certainly outside. Please stop talking about things you want to change about yourself. Every wrinkle on your face is from a precious memory. When you look at yourself in the mirror and you see your mother, that's an honor. Your mother was the sweetest, kindest, loving woman I knew. When I look at you I see that same reflection and I am proud that I come from a line of strong, happy, fun women. Those wrinkles are something to be proud of. They are from the smile you couldn't break while holding your first grandchild. The crease in your forehead is from the sadness you bore from losing your husband, your mother, and your father. You have beautiful, smart, accomplished children and grandchildren. All of who are a reflection of you and your face. You have more energy than your children and can chase your grandchildren around the dance floor. You have all your sisters by your side and travel the world with them, creating memories that will show on your faces.
Your faces are beautiful and you are missing the precious moments of life by wanting to change them. Be happy with yourself and live in the moments because they will soon be gone. Your children are starting to create the same wrinkles and should proud of them because they are a reflection of your lives.
When I'm sitting at my sister's table on my 80th birthday with my daughter, son and grandchildren, I will be proud of every wrinkle on my face and grey hair on my head. I will be proud that when I look in the mirror I look just like my mom and my aunts. I will live in the moment, because moments pass in a flash and I don't want to waste them worrying about how to change they way I look and I wish you didn't either.
Be happy with who you are, because who you are, is why people love you. We love you because you look like our grandmother. We love you because you are good. We love you because you are kind. We love you because you took care of us when we were sick. We love you because you helped us through the hard times in our lives and some of those wrinkles are because of that. We love you because you are present. We love you because you chase our children and watch our children.
Don't change you. Be happy with you. We love you.
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