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Women And Habits: How Can Women Be Sure They Have The Right Habits For Success?

As a woman on a self-improvement journey, I have read a lot of material that tells me:
  • You become what you think about.
  • Life isn't happening to you, life is responding to you.
  • We are what we repeatedly do.
  • You get what you give.
  • Change the inside and your outer world will change.
So, if all the power is within me, why aren't I consistently experiencing the level of success that I want?
How about you? Are you a women who is experiencing the level of success, in all areas of your life, that you want?
After much searching, I learned that the truth is, we really are the sum total of our daily habits:
  • How healthy and in shape we are is a result of our exercise and eating habits.
  • How wealthy we are is a result of our spending and saving habits.
  • How healthy and happy our relationships are is a result of how we habitually relate to others.
  • How spiritual we are is a result of our daily spiritual habits.
  • Our mental and emotional health is a result of how we habitually talk to ourselves, and allow others to treat us.
A habit is a choice that we deliberately make at some point, and then stop thinking about, but continue doing, often every day.
What we regularly do (i.e. what we spend time thinking about, and doing each day) ultimately forms the person we are, the things we believe, and the results we live.
But what if we want better? What if we want to form new habits that will create new and improved results in our lives? How would we go about it?
Based on my research about habits, I learned that not only is it possible to replace old habits with new ones, but there is a helpful framework that can make it easier to stick to new habits.
Keep in mind though, that all habits are not created equal, and it does take time and effort on your part to reshape and transform your habits from what you don't want to do, to what you do want. You must support your new habits.
Now let's look at a helpful 4-step framework for transforming habits...
1. Identify the routine - Every one of our habits has a cue or a "trigger" that causes it to kick in, we then follow a certain routine, and at the end of the routine we get what our subconscious perceives as a reward (whether good or bad). This is known as a "habit loop".
2. Experiment with rewards - The second step is to identify what is actually driving your reward. Rewards are powerful because they drive your behavior, but we're often not conscious of the cravings that drive our behaviors. Cravings can be anything, including such things as: attention, affection, sugar, comfort, social interaction, and a distraction from boredom.
3. Isolate the cue - What is "triggering" your habit? Scientific experiments have shown that almost all habitual cues fit into one of five categories:
  • Location - Where am I?
  • Time - What time is it?
  • Emotional State - What's my emotional state?
  • Other People - Who else is around?
  • Immediately preceding action - What action preceded the urge or trigger?
4. Have a plan - Once you know your habit loop, you can change to a better routine by planning for the cue, and what your reward will be.
A habit is a formula our brain automatically follows: When I see CUE, I will do ROUTINE in order to get a REWARD.
To implant the new habit, we have to stop living on autopilot and start making choices again - when I see (or maybe purposely cause) CUE, I will do NEW ROUTINE, and get NEW REWARD. Do this for at least 30 days so the new habit can take root and become your autopilot habit.
If you are a women who truly wants to experience success in any area of your life, then changing your daily habits to create what you actually want is the key to your success.
Now that you know how to transform your habits for success, be sure to get out FREE report and FREE tool to help you live a happier, more fulfilling, and satisfying life at:
Jeanne Ewen is a Certified Public Accountant, entrepreneur, and creator and publisher of the FREE inbox magazine Sign up to get your FREE subscription at
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