Tips to Achieve Faster Black Hair Growth
Many African American females believe their hair grows slower than other ethnicities. Since our hair is tight and coily, it appears that the hair is growing at a slower pace. Here are a few tips on how African Americans can grow their hair faster.
One of the supplements that I love to use is MSM. Your hair is primarily composed of sulfur and protein (keratin). Adding more sulfur to your body with supplements like Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), is a way to increase hair growth. Sulfur is known as the "beauty mineral." Not only will this supplement grow your hair faster, but you also will see longer, stronger nails and glowing skin.
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is another supplement that will help grow your hair faster. Be cautious with bee pollen and before using it make sure you are not allergic to it! If you are allergic, ingestion may result in a severe allergic reaction, including anaphylaxis, and an acute allergic response that may be life threatening. Do not take bee pollen if you are pregnant. Bee pollen has been used to stimulate hair growth because of its rich l-cysteine content. Many have seen one inch of hair growth within three weeks. It has been found that hair effectively grows back because of pollen. Bee pollen contains calcium and magnesium that help aid hair growth. Bee pollen has several other nutrients including vitamin C that maintains healthy hair, vitamin E and vitamin B3 that benefits and improves scalp circulation, copper, vitamins B5, B6, B12 and iron that strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. Manganese improves hair growth, while potassium promotes circulation and sulfur creates stronger hair.
Scalp Massage
Massage your scalp daily. Stimulation increases blood circulation to your head. Circulation is an important element that promotes hair growth. Massaging your scalp with the tips of your fingers will bring more nutrients to the hair roots. Adding warm oil will enhance the blood circulation. Massage your scalp 5-10 minutes a day using slow circular motions.
Inversion Method
You can grow an inch of hair in a week with the inversion method. The inversion method should be done for seven consecutive days, once a month. You must wait three weeks before attempting again or else it won't work because your body adjusts to the extra blood flow. First, massage warm oil into your scalp. I recommend Jamaican Castor Oil. Massage your scalp for five minutes; oil is not necessary for the inversion method to work. Next, invert your body into an angle for four minutes. I like to do the yoga pose, downward facing dog, but you can also sit in a chair and slightly lower your head. If you feel dizzy or abnormal, slowly get out of the position. If you do decide to use oil, let the oil sit on your scalp for two hours; you can wash it out or leave it on your scalp. The inversion method will boost blood circulation, which ultimately promotes hair growth. Check with your doctor before doing the inversion method.
Your diet is important for hair growth. If you include these vitamins and minerals daily you will see faster hair growth.
Iron and Zinc help hair follicles to grow. Iron and/or zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss. Hair is primarily composed of keratin which is protein. You can get iron and protein from red meat, chicken and fish. You can also get iron from spinach and other leafy vegetables including kale. Oysters and pumpkin seeds are loaded with zinc. If like me you are not getting enough zinc, you can take a zinc supplement. I take Zinc picolinate 50mg.
Vitamin D helps activate hair growth. Salmon has vitamin D and protein. Salmon also has omega-3 fatty acids that provides the oils that keep your scalp and hair hydrated. You also can get omega-3 fatty acids from avocados and flax seeds.
Biotin deficiency has been linked to hair loss and poor hair growth. Nuts like almonds and walnuts are a great source of biotin. Other foods with biotin include brown rice, eggs, green peas, lentils and oats.
Vitamin A is essential for hair growth and a healthy scalp. Vitamin A makes sebum which is an oily substance that provides a conditioner for the scalp. Beta-carotene makes vitamin A which is found in vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots and broccoli.
Vitamin E will enhance blood flow to the scalp and promote faster hair growth. Sunflower seeds and nuts provide you with vitamin E.
Drinking water is important in keeping your hair hydrated. Water flushes out toxins and helps in getting more nutrition to the hair follicles. Your hair will become dry and brittle without an adequate amount of water. Water provides the necessary nutrients to the hair cells.
Exercise is an important factor for hair growth. Sweating from exercising helps unclog hair follicles, providing space for hair to grow. Exercising also increases blood flow to the scalp which delivers more nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots. This helps to promote hair growth.
Deep conditioning
The number one hair problem African Americans have is length retention. Deep conditioning restores and maintains the strength of the hair strand. Deep conditioning improves elasticity, restores moisture, and makes your hair softer and more manageable. Adding heat to the deep conditioner helps to penetrate the conditioner in the strands better. Pay special attention to the ends which needs the most conditioner. Do a deep conditioner once a week for 15-20 minutes.
Protective and low-manipulation hairstyles
Protective and low-manipulation hairstyles protect your hair from environmental damage and damage from yourself. Examples of protective hairstyles include braids, weaves, and wigs. Low manipulation hairstyles include twist, braid-outs and buns. Protective and low-manipulation hairstyles help to prevent damage to your ends, it gives your hair a break from heat and styling and provides your hair with the opportunity to grow.
African American hair is dry and fragile. This makes our hair more susceptible to breakage, which is the reason why it appears that our hair is not growing. It is important to moisturize your hair daily to seal in moisture. Moisturizing does not make hair grow faster but it does help retain the length of the hair.
Go natural, don't use chemicals
Relaxed hair is weaker than natural hair. Lye relaxers are made up of Sodium Hydroxide, a strong chemical also used in drain cleaners. No-Lye relaxers are made up of Guanidine Hydroxide. Relaxers are able to straighten kinky hair because they break the bonds that actually give strength to the hair. Relaxers ultimately lead to brittleness, breakage, and even alopecia. The relaxer cream breaks down the chemical bonds of the hair shaft, disrupting the elliptical shape. The chemicals in relaxers dry out the hair and damage the ends of the hair. Relaxers promote split ends and stunt hair growth. Join the natural hair movement and go natural.
If you use these tips, not only will you see faster hair growth, but you also will have glowing skin and strong nails.
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